We often fall prey to the belief that success leads to the fulfillment of our every desire, when the process of delayed gratification can actually provide a higher level of satisfaction because our journey is typically more meaningful than the destination. Solomon pursued pleasure for the sake of gratification (see Ecclesiastes 2:1-3; 8b-11). David’s son […]

The Thirty Sayings of the Wise | Sweet Success: Gratification (Ecclesiastes 2:1-3; 8b-11; Proverbs 21:17)
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise | Sweet Success: Significance (Ecclesiastes 2:4-8a; 2 Corinthians 8:9)
Solomon accumulated possessions for the sake of significance (see Ecclesiastes 2:4-8a). Israel’s king constructed the temple in seven years (see 1 Kings 6:38); however, he invested thirteen years to build his palace (see 1 Kings 7:1). He constructed the wall around Jerusalem (see 1 Kings 3:1), built a fleet of ships (see 1 Kings 9:26), […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Pressure Pusher (Proverbs 24:10)
How do you respond to life’s challenges? Are you someone who rises to the occasion, or do you crumble in fear? Conflict is “two objects attempting to occupy the same space at the same time,” (from the Latin words con, meaning “together,” and fligere, meaning “to strike”). It presents us with an opportunity to either respond in […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Slippery Schemer (Proverbs 24:8-9)
Satan is a schemer. Consequently, when we contrive a deceitful plan, we are sinning against God and the victims of our conspiracy. Whether in dating, an affair, marriage, family, politics, business, sports, nonprofit work, or even ministry, Solomon warned: “Whoever plots evil will be known as a schemer. The schemes of folly are sin, and […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Rebel Rascals (Proverbs 24:7)
Have you ever found yourself working in an organization with a stubborn leader at the helm? They believe their position on any topic is always right, they resist sound advice, and they oftentimes lack wisdom. Solomon warned against the rebellious who attempt to captain the ship: “Wisdom is too high for fools; in the assembly […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: The House of Leadership (Proverbs 24:3-4)
Do you have a blueprint for success? Within your team, business, family, or non-profit institution, do you have building plans to positively influence your target audience? Tucked away in the Bible’s Thirty Sayings of the Wise is God’s secret blueprint for any organization or movement to successfully lead its culture. It is Solomon’s fourth and […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Bad Company (Proverbs 24:1-2)
In the last week, have you coveted another person’s house, vehicle, position, status, wealth, success, life, or family? Have you stretched facts to make a point in order to move someone to an action that would benefit you? Did you divulge confidential information about an acquaintance because it sounded juicy and entertained the friend with […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Drunken Deception (Proverbs 23:29-35)
The abuse of alcohol is one of the greatest risks among young people today, oftentimes leading to a pattern that lingers for decades. However, this is nothing new. Three thousand years ago, Solomon included insights about the dangers of drunkenness in his Thirty Sayings of the Wise: “Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Secret Agents (Proverbs 23:22-25)
Do you value your mother and father as priceless sources of wisdom? As adults, we have a tendency to become independent from our parents to a fault, often forgetting they have already endured the season of life that lies ahead of us. In his third pillar of a God-honoring and loving family, Solomon commanded: “Listen […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Slothful Sluggard (Proverbs 23:19-21)
Do you struggle with drinking in excess? Most of us would answer, no, but have you ever thought about what God would say regarding your alcohol consumption? Peer pressure to drink in excess or even eat beyond a healthy lifestyle leads to an emptiness that seems to beg for more and more to feel a […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Envy Evil Error (Proverbs 23:17-18)
Each of us wants hope, a confident assurance regarding our future. In his Thirty Sayings of the Wise, Solomon offers insights for us to experience God’s hope on this side of Heaven. That hope is the person of Jesus Christ (see 1 Timothy 1:1). Solomon’s Thirty Sayings of the Wise offers insights for us to experience […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Common Sense Counts (Proverbs 23:15-16)
The mouth and the heart are inextricably linked. Jesus taught: “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Swearing, […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Disciple Discipline (Proverbs 23:13-14)
Do you struggle with establishing consistent discipline among your children? Perhaps, you attempt to correct them merely through an angry tone of voice. Proverbs reveals that discipline is much broader than we think. In his second pillar for a God-honoring, loving family, Solomon called young leaders to prioritize making disciples of their children: “Do not […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Receive Reproof (Proverbs 15:32; 23:12)
Family is the ultimate picture of God’s love. In The Thirty Sayings of the Wise, Solomon offered four pillars to construct a firm foundation for a God-honoring, loving home. The first is learning. Israel’s wise king commanded young leaders: “Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge” (Proverbs 23:12). Learning was […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Sanctified Survey and Lawful Landmarks (Proverbs 22:28; 23:10-11)
Have you ever changed the rules to a game in order to win? Many of us alter previously understood parameters in our relationships to gain something. As a child, down a couple runs in our kickball game, we change the pre-agreed-upon number of innings, in order to have another shot at scoring. As a teen, […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Wisdom Wasted (Proverbs 23:9)
Have you ever attempted to argue with a fool? Voices raise, tones become harsh, tempers flare, words demean, and no one seems to benefit. In his Thirty Sayings of the Wise, Solomon cautioned against wisdom wasted: “Do not speak to fools for they will scorn your prudent words” (Proverbs 23:9). The fool Solomon describes in […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise | Chameleon Complex (Proverbs 23:6-8)
Failure might not be final, but ignored, it can be fatal. In his Thirty Sayings of the Wise, Solomon described a pitfall that can kill: lies. A person who mishandles truth perpetuates a ripple effect of devastating consequences that crush relationships. The king warned: “Do not eat the food of a begrudging host, do not […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Bribe Tribe (Proverbs 23:1-3)
When making decisions that dramatically affect our future, we often become susceptible to hearing what we want, something that might greatly benefit us and satisfy our selfish desires. If a business owner, a coach, a CEO or a salesman recruits us, we risk falling prey to their invitation without first filtering it through our faith’s […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Hard Work Helps (Proverbs 22:29)
Wisdom applies faith to our circumstances, literally sticking God’s character to our challenges, like a post-it-note adhered to our calendars. Solomon taught how to combine God’s heart with street smarts in our work ethic, as our Heavenly Father connects our vertical commitment to Him with our horizontal encounters. Solomon observed: “Do you see someone skilled […]
The Thirty Sayings of the Wise: Sanctified Survey and Lawful Landmarks (Proverbs 22:28; 23:10-11)
Have you ever changed the rules to a game in order to win? Many of us alter previously understood parameters in our relationships to gain something. As a child, down a couple runs in our kickball game, we change the pre-agreed-upon number of innings, in order to have another shot at scoring. As a teen, […]