Every Encounter Is A Three-Way Call: Connection Three

Jesus conveyed that we should not go to the world either condemningly with a hard heart of stone or carelessly with a loose heart of sand; rather, we should go connectedly with the Spirit of God in total humility, and with a soft heart of clay (Matthew 7:1-12). Every encounter with another person a three-way […]

Every Encounter Is A Three-Way Call: Connection Two

Every encounter with another person a three-way call. When we are connected with God and connected with others, then they are connected with God. Whereas pride brings static on the line, humility offers a clear connection. Here’s how Jesus described the three connections: Connection One-ASK God. Connection Two-ask others. Connection Three-others ask God into their […]

Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call: Connection One

What is the condition of your heart when you attempt to go to a lost and hurting world with Christ’s message of restoration? Jesus conveyed that we should not go to the world either condemningly with a hard heart of stone or carelessly with a loose heart of sand; rather, we should go connectedly with […]
