Blessed are the Gentle

Something flawed inside each of us says that we can satisfy our desires by being harsh. Whether at the airline counter or the fast-food line, in the checkout aisle or the exit lane, on the basketball sidelines or on the telephone, we believe that harshness will satisfy our desires. Yet at the same time, harshness […]

Herod & Jesus (Control)

Herod’s largest fortress was the Herodian, 45 acres of building constructed on 200 acres of land, the third-largest architectural find in the ancient world. The palace featured four towers, the highest stretching 120 feet into the air, sprawling 55 feet in diameter (a sign of his desire for control). In the end, Herod died out […]

The Prison Wall of Regret

Episode 60: The Prison Wall of Regret from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.

Herod & Jesus (Security)

Herod the Great built a series of palace fortresses that were designed to give him safe asylum if forced to flee the country to his homeland of Idumea (a sign of his desire for security). Indicative of his heart, he saw security in his fortresses and locked doors, keeping others out. In the end, Herod […]

Joy in Suffering

Philippians 1:1-30 Identify the area in your life where you are experiencing despair, and ask three questions… Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet.

The Prison Wall of Resentment

Episode 59: The Prison Wall of Resentment from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.

Herod & Jesus (Contentment)

Known for his great building programs, including the rebuilding of the Temple (a sign of his desire for contentment), Herod the Great built his first of a series of palace fortresses three miles southeast of Jesus’ birthplace in Bethlehem. Herod remained discontent. He killed his favorite of ten wives, three of his sons, and decreed […]

The Prison Wall of Revenge

Episode 58: The Prison Wall of Revenge from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.

Herod & Jesus (Significance)

There might not have been another human being in Jesus’ time whose pride imprisoned him, both figuratively and literally, more than Herod the Great. He proudly held the title of Tetrarch of Judea (a sign of his desire for significance) 2,000 years ago when Jesus was born. Herod was known as the “King of the […]

Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector

In order to humble our hearts, we must continue to surrender our pride. In a great story tucked in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus contrasted the temple prayer of a proud Pharisee with that of a humble tax collector. The respected Pharisee exalted himself while the disrespected tax collector stood at a distance, refused to […]

“Shatter” by Lauren Workman

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst…” 1 Timothy 1:15 I hate how difficult it is to hide a mess. Sure, you can shove the mess into a closet or under your bed… but I’ve found that only makes […]

Shattered with Lauren Workman

Episode 56: Shattered with Lauren Workman from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.

Satisfied are the Humble

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus affirmed to the world that in the kingdom of heaven, the humble are “in” and the proud are “out.” His first words were, “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3). Jesus was saying, “Satisfied are the humble.” Humble means “to be lower than, or to bend the […]

Locked Boxes

Have you noticed that the most valuable commodities in the world are locked in boxes? I was visiting a customer of mine who lived in a European castle with a bombproof box crafted below ground and secured with an elaborate combination lock. As my anticipation grew, he unlocked the door, revealing the world’s two most […]