Where do you go to satisfy your desires? Jesus gave the secret to satisfaction in the greatest speech ever given when he addressed an estimated 20,000 followers along the mountainside outside Capernaum. We call it the Sermon on the Mount recorded in the Gospel of Matthew (Chapters 5-7) where Jesus laid down the gauntlet for full surrender of one’s heart to God. Outlining the be-do-go of full surrender, in essence, Jesus communicated, “Who you are designed to be determines what you are designed to do which determines where you are designed to go” because God designed life to flow from the heart (Proverbs 4:23).
- Week #1: Satisfaction Through Surrender Part 1: Be Humble, Part 2: Be Mournful and Gentle
- Week #2: Satisfaction Through Surrender Part 1: Be Humble, Part 2: Be Mournful and Gentle
- Week #3: Satisfaction Through Surrender, Part 3: Be Righteous and Merciful
- Week #4: Satisfaction Through Surrender, Part 4: Be Pure In Heart, Peaceful, and Enduring
- Week #5: Service that Leads to Surrender
- Week #6: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness Part 1
- Week #7: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness (Part 2)
- Week #8: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness (Part 3)
- Week #9: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness Part 4
- Week #10: 3 Acts Of Righteousness, Part 1: Do Give
- Week #11: 3 Acts of Righteousness, Part 2: Do Pray
- Week #12: 3 Acts of Righteousness, Part 3: Do Fast
- Week #13: Do Discover Significance
- Week #14: Do Discover Contentment
- Week #15: Do Discover Control in Christ
- Week #16: Do Discover Security
- Week #17: Go Connectedly
- Week #18: Go Through the Narrow Gate Worksheet (Matthew 7 vv 13-14)
- Week #19: Go With Discretion
- Week #20: Go Wisely
Week #1
Episode 167: Satisfaction through Surrender, Part 1: Be Humble
Original air date: January 19th, 2014
Week #2
Episode 168: Satisfaction through Surrender, Part 2: Be Mournful and Gentle
Original air date: January 26th, 2014
Week #3
Episode 170: Satisfaction through Surrender, Part 3: Be Righteous and Merciful
Original air date: February 9th, 2014
Week #4
Episode 172: Satisfaction Through Surrender, Part 4: Be Pure In Heart, Peaceful, and Enduring
Original air date: March 2nd, 2014
Week #6
Episode 178: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness, Be Anger and Adultery Free
Original air date: April 13th, 2014
Week #7
Episode 180: 6 Example of Inside Out Righteousness (Part 2), Be Divorce and Falsehood Free
Original air date: April 27th, 2014
Week #8
Episode 182: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness (Part 3), Be Retaliation Free
Original air date: May 11th, 2014
Week #9
Episode 184: 6 Examples of Inside Out Righteousness (Part 4), Be Hate Free
Original air date: June 1st, 2014