Is it possible to not sin? Be careful how you answer. John the evangelist wrote: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8). Still, it is amazing how many people claiming to be Christians think they do not sin. Solomon taught: “There is […]

Confessing Darkness, Restoring Light (1 John 1:8-9)
Walking in the Darkness or Light (1 John 1:6-7)
Would those closest to you describe you as authentic or phony? Unfortunately, our culture blinds us to pretense: “If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth” (1 John 1:6). Too often, we claim to trust in Christ, but we live […]
God is Light: Flip the Switch (1 John 1:5)
Are you stumbling and bumping into life’s challenges with no clear vision for what lies ahead? One morning, I was late for a 5:30 a.m. meeting. As I rushed out of our bedroom and down the hallway, I bypassed the light switch, choosing to walk in the dark. I reached out with my hand to […]
3 Connections of Life: Every Encounter is a Three-Way Call (1 John 1:4)
God has designed every encounter with another person to be a three-way call. When we connect with God and then connect with others, they connect with God. All of this occurs through the power of the Holy Spirit moving through us, so everyone experiences the eternal and abundant life of Christ (1 John 1:1-3). This […]