Do you have a reputation for being harsh? Something flawed inside each of us says that we can get what we want when we are harsh. Whether at the airlines counter or the fast food line, in the checkout aisle or the exit lane, on the basketball sidelines or the telephone line, we believe that […]

Gentleness Satisfies a Leader’s Desires (Matthew 5:5)
Fully Surrendered Leaders Embrace Gentleness Over Harshness (1 Thessalonians 2:7)
Great leaders are born out of suffering and opposition (see 1 Thessalonians 2:2). In our Western culture, we tend to think they come from affluence and support, but the Bible reveals a far different dynamic, one that teaches the strongest steel is made in the hottest fire. The Apostle Paul communicated four characteristics of a […]
CUTE GIRLS MADE: Encouraging (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Can you think of a person who has encouraged you? Now think of someone who discouraged you. Here’s the big question. Which one most resembles you? In our final characteristic of CUTE GIRLS MADE, we see that God calls both males and females alike to be encouraging. The Apostle Paul instructed: “Therefore encourage one another […]
CUTE GIRLS MADE: Discerning (Proverbs 11:22)
A father shared with his young daughters: “Don’t ever be more beautiful on the outside than you are on the inside.” Our culture hammers females with the opposite message, carrying the false promise that makeup, tanning, a new hairstyle, designer clothing, jewelry, piercing, tattoos, Botox, or an augmentation will heal the ache inside your soul. […]