How do your behavior and speech demonstrate respect for your husband or your future lifelong mate? In the thirteen traits of God’s design for a female, He calls each woman to be respectful. The Apostle Paul taught: “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must […]

CUTE GIRLS MADE: Respectful (Ephesians 5:33)
CUTE GIRLS MADE: Investing (Proverbs 14:1)
Are you characterized and known by investing in or tearing down your family and friends? Before you offer the Sunday school answer and move on, consider these questions. When was the last time you wrote an encouraging note to your spouse, father, mother, sibling, co-worker, or teammate? When did you comfort one of them going […]
CUTE GIRLS MADE: Godly (Proverbs 31:30)
God’s design for females can be communicated through the acrostic: CUTE GIRLS MADE. He desires every woman to be confident, unique, a temple of the Holy Spirit, and the expression of God. When we examine the acronym, GIRLS, we see that our Creator desires these reflections of His heart in each woman He has fashioned. […]
Crave the Word, Not the World, Part 3 (1 Peter 2:1-3)
What are you seeking when you read the Bible? Knowledge? Wisdom? Comfort? Joy? Strength? If we are honest, we often pursue the Word of God as a tool to improve our circumstances while we remain in control of our own lives. Jesus’ disciple, Peter, communicated a very clear message for us to experience The Almighty’s […]