When last did you spend an uninterrupted ten minutes with God reading the Bible? Left unchecked, our cravings for the achievements and pleasures of this world choke out our desire for the Word of God. Malice blinds us to healthy relationships. Deceit masquerades as political expediency. Hypocrisy rewrites our identity. Envy hardens our heart. Slander […]

Crave the Word, Not the World, Part 2 (1 Peter 2:1-3)
Crave the Word, Not the World, Part 1 (1 Peter 2:1-3)
When most of our daily freedoms and routines are stripped away, our true inner cravings are exposed. Whether it’s Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, our favorite restaurant, our local workout facility, or our daily marketplace activities, we all want more of what gratifies us. Amidst the stressors, our spiritual cravings tend to go in one of two […]
Abel Faith, Part 3 (Hebrews 11:4)
Now more than ever it is crystal clear we live by faith or by sight (see 2 Corinthians 5:7). If we trust in only what we see, we will make our choices out of fear, rather than trust in our Creator. Whereas, Adam and Eve’s son Abel lived by faith in offering his best and […]
Abel Faith, Part 2 (Hebrews 11:4)
Are you experiencing anxiety from your sin? Fear is the problem. Faith is the solution. God accepts faith in Him as righteousness and rejects fear as unrighteousness: “By faith he [Abel] was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings” (Hebrews 11:4b). God confronted Cain’s negative countenance from his substandard sacrifice […]