Do you often compare yourself to other women, labeling the result? Adjectives, such as skinny or fat, tall or short, beautiful or plain, smart or dumb, funny or stuffy, rich or poor, successful or failing, fit or unhealthy, flood your mind. Comparing and its cousin labelingdefeat the healthy self-esteem God intends for you. As we […]

CUTE GIRLS MADE: Unique (Proverbs 139:14)
CUTE GIRLS MADE: Confident (Proverbs 3:26)
Is there anything you would like to change about your look? Body image is one of the most pressing challenges with females in our Western culture; however, the Bible communicates a recurring theme: True beauty comes from the inside. Let’s examine what the Scriptures teach about God’s design of a woman through the acrostic: CUTE […]
Fear Paralyzes. Faith Catalyzes. Part 2 (2 Timothy 1:7)
The most frequent command in the Bible is to “Fear not.” Fear stems from trusting in ourselves, rather than God. When we operate in fear, at least three things happen: we become weak, we hate what we fear, and we fall apart. Whether inside the lines of athletic competition, in a heated argument, or a […]
Fear Paralyzes. Faith Catalyzes. (Joshua 1:9)
When I was five-years-old, I panicked as I peered out the window of our vehicle, while my dad drove across the Mackinac Bridge, one of the world’s largest suspension bridges spanning five miles and rising 552 feet above the Straits of Mackinac, connecting the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan. It didn’t help matters that […]