Have you ever encountered God, yet pursued knowledge, possessions, might, money, or pleasure apart from Him to satisfy your desires? No one in history did this like Solomon. Solomon was the Son of David and Bathsheba; named Jedidiah, which meant “loved by the Lord” (see 2 Samuel 12:24-25). He became Israel’s third King who led […]

Solomon Pursued Earthly Knowledge for the Sake of Contentment (Ecclesiastes 1:12-18)
In Christ to Instruct – Connect with the Heart of Others (2 Timothy 2:22-26)
Have you ever tried to debate someone into the kingdom of heaven? Perhaps, what started out as a healthy exchange of different experiences led to a foolish argument that didn’t honor the heart of Christ. Paul taught we connect with the heart of others by avoiding stupid arguments that produce quarrels (see 2 Timothy 2:23). […]
In Christ to Instruct – Heart to Heart (2 Timothy 2:22-26)
When you communicate with others, do they connect with God’s heart? When we are in Christ to instruct, we connect heart to heart. We engage with God’s heart to reach the hearts of others. God’s heart is the vertical component of the cross; the hearts of others represents the horizontal component. What is the spiritual […]
In Christ to Instruct – Getting the Word into Our Words (2 Timothy 2:14-21)
How often does the wisdom of the Bible flow into your words? When we are in Christ to instruct, we get the Word into our words. The Word represents the vertical, our words the horizontal. We are to keep reminding others of what we glean from the Word, warning them before God against quarreling words […]