What do you desire most? For what cause are you willing to fight? Where do you find your strength? Whom or what do you worship? How do you respond to your sins? The answers to these questions reveal the affections of our hearts. King David demonstrated for us what it means to live for an […]

David: Living for an Audience of One
Repented for an Audience of One (2 Samuel 12:13)
Have you sinned today? David repented for an audience of One. In essence, David repented as boldly as he sinned. After the prophet Nathan confronted David regarding his sin with Bathsheba including orchestrating the death of her husband, Uriah the Hittite, David’s first words uttered his concern for his broken fellowship with God, “Then David […]
Worshiped for an Audience of One (2 Samuel 6:14; 21-22)
David worshiped for an audience of One. When the ark of the Lord was restored to David’s possession, he worshiped God publicly, “David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the LORD with all his might,” (2 Samuel 6:14). David’s wife, Michal, the daughter of King Saul, was mortified at David’s transparency. David’s response gave insight […]
Strengthened for an Audience of One (1 Samuel 30:6)
Are you in need of restoration by the only One who can provide it? David was strengthened for an audience of One. In the backdrop of David’s pre-monarch raids, his men had lost their wives and children to the captivity of a nomadic enemy who had ransacked their camp while they were away. Scripture records, […]