
Go Wisely: Foolish Builder

On what foundation do you make every choice, capture every thought, process every feeling, or offer every prayer? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus painted the picture of a foundation upon which His disciples could build their hearts and lives. Jesus summarized it as building one’s house on the rock (Matthew 7:24-25). He closed the greatest speech ever given with a comparison of two builders — one wise, one foolish; two foundations — one solid, one shifting; and two fates — one eternal, one temporary.

The Foundation and Fate of the Foolish Builder (Matthew 7:26-27) The foundation of the foolish builder was the shifting sand of man-made righteousness. The foolish builder heard Jesus’ words and ignored them (Matthew 7:26). The Pharisees had hijacked God’s Temple forcing their 1,500 rules and regulations on His people for their own profit. Thus, the foolish builder heard Jesus’ words of heart transformation and did not put them into practice, choosing religion over a relationship with God.

The fate of the foolish builder was temporary. The storms of life came and the house fell with a loud crash because its foundation was built on the shifting sand of man-made righteousness (Matthew 7:27). In 70 AD, the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem (the house on the rock) fell with a loud crash. Many believe that Jesus had predicted this demise (Matthew 24:2). The body of each believer is the temple of the Spirit of Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19). The advancement of the kingdom of God occurs through His Spirit breaking through each living temple whose heart fully surrenders to Christ.

Each of us is a builder — either wise or foolish. Each of us builds his life on something — either the solid rock of Christ or the shifting sand of man-made righteousness. Each of us builds a destiny — either eternal or temporary.

Build your life on the Rock. Fully surrender your heart to Him. Choose His will (Luke 22:42). Capture every thought, and make it obedient to Him (2 Corinthians 10:5). Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Pray in His name (Philippians 4:6-7; John 14:13-14).

When we make every choice, capture every thought, process every feeling, and offer every prayer to Christ, we wisely build on His solid foundation that is eternal. Anything else is foolish, shifting and temporary.

Episode 202: Go Wisely from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.