
Go with Discretion: Disciple

Jesus taught His disciples to discern and disciple. First, they were to discern their mentors, noting that their roots determined their fruit (Matthew 7:15-20). Second, His disciples were called to disciple others who would multiply the fruit of the kingdom (Matthew 7:21-23).

Disciple. Intimacy with the Root produces His fruit (Matthew 7:21-23). Jesus preached that only those who do the will of His Father will enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21). On judgment day, He will tell false prophets plainly, “I never knew you” (Matthew 7:23). Know means “to experience intimately.” The one who does the will of God is the one who has intimacy with Him. We find intimacy with God in Christ (John 15:1-7). He is the Root (Revelation 5:5; 22:16). The fruit He produces includes seeds that produce more fruit when they are planted in fertile soil. Thus, the fruit is another disciple who discerns and disciples with the heart of Christ.

Disciple another fruit-bearer, recognizing that intimacy with the Root produces His fruit. In order to do this, nourish your roots by reading the Bible (the same passage each day for a week); serving those who are scheduled in your agenda, as well as those who aren’t; and praying for every detail in your life. Then you will be energized to nourish the roots of another. Ask God who you should meet with once a week to disciple through reading the Bible, praying, and serving. God will use you to make disciples who make disciples.

Discern and disciple. Discern that the fruit of one’s life is determined by is the root. The root of sinful nature produces hatred, rage, and discord. The root of the Spirit produces love, joy, and peace. Disciple another fruit-bearer, recognizing that intimacy with the Root produces His fruit. Nourish your roots by reading the Bible, serving, and praying. Then you will be energized to nourish the roots of another.

Episode 201: Go With Discretion from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.