Life on this side is full of tragedies. One in particular became a defining moment for my grandfather, Russell, on Restoration Road. In the 1940’s, Russell, a farmer in his mid-twenties, was combining the fields of their family farm with his sixteen-year-old brother, Harold, at his side. They had planned to be business partners in […]

Several years ago, I received a telephone call from my grandfather, Russell, asking me to meet him at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne where he would hear the results of his heart tests. I finished my appointment and met him at the heart center. We both waited patiently until the doctor entered the examination room. […]
Sinner and Saint
SINNER AND SAINT One of my greatest encouragers was Grandpa Russell. I probably shared more stories back and forth with him than I did with any other human being. At 84 years old, Grandpa Russell traveled with Dad and me to the Brickyard for Carburetion Day. While he was entering Dad’s motor-coach, Russell was really […]
Join the Celebration
Are you locked outside the celebration of the kingdom of heaven? The Restorer holds the Master Key of full surrender to unlock the gate of your heart to Restoration Road. That Master Key is cross-shaped. Full surrender vertically to God leads to humility horizontally toward others. When He walked the earth, He clarified inside a […]