Episode 153: 10 Questions About Life with Kelsey Kruse from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.

Episode 153: 10 Questions About Life with Kelsey Kruse
Authentic Church
AUTHENTIC CHURCH When attempting to make my business a ministry, I was deeply impacted by a Bible teacher, and local church leader, who talked openly about his liabilities. I had listened to every one of his messages for almost seven years. He opened me to the idea of the continual process of restoration — that […]
Episode 152: Thermometer vs Thermostat
Episode 152: Thermometer vs Thermostat from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Lost and Found
Shortly after our sale of our company, I suffered post-business LOST syndrome: Lack of Stressful Transactions. After the first five consecutive stay-at-home weekends of my life, I began to feel like a failure. I thought there was something wrong with me. I realized that these feelings were the result of the absence of deal-making in […]
Episode 151: Pathways with Stuart and Dean Kruse
Episode 151: Pathways with Stuart and Dean Kruse from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
When it comes to your career, you want to make sure that your GATE is unlocked and open for ministry right where you are. You can categorize four key components of your life using the acronym GATE: G: Gifts A: Abilities T: Talent E: Experiences Gifts include your spiritual gifts. Abilities are your learned skills. […]
Episode 150: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of Wise Confrontation
Episode 150: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of Wise Confrontation from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
The Restorative Change Equation
Are you contemplating a job or career change? Restorative change places the value of the process over the results. When I was discerning what I had believed was God’s prompting to become a direct carrier of His message of restoration, I became aware of the following change equation: Dissatisfaction with the present state (DPS) plus […]
Episode 149: Auction Stories 2 with Dean and Stuart Kruse
Episode 149: Auction Stories 2 with Dean and Stuart Kruse from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.