Our journey toward authenticity unfolds on Restoration Road. Like every automobile, we began as a clay mold. In the Garden of Eden, God breathed life into the dust to make man in His image. Unfortunately, we all fall short of His original design, proudly pursuing the satisfaction of our desires in self-restoration attempts apart from […]

The Master Key
Go With Wisely – Two Builders
Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet.
Episode 133: 12 Words to the Wise: Wise Behavior
Episode 133: 12 Words to the Wise: Wise Behavior from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo. Download Worksheet
Surrender the New
Just like a classic car, authentic restoration occurs in three steps. We surrender the old, surrender the pieces, and surrender the new. We’ve looked at surrendering the old and the pieces. Now, let’s pursue what it means to surrender the new. After the pieces of the collector car are restored, the rolling sculpture is reassembled, […]
Episode 132: Worship Amidst Suffering with Audrey Hindle
Episode 132: Worship Amidst Suffering with Audrey Hindle from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Surrender the Pieces
Just like a classic car, authentic restoration occurs in three steps. We surrender the old, surrender the pieces, and surrender the new. Let’s explore surrendering the pieces. When he receives a rust bucket, a car restorer’s first action is to take it apart, piece-by-piece. Next, the smallest components of the automobile are individually and meticulously […]
Episode 131: 12 Words to the Wise: Justice
Episode 131: 12 Words to the Wise: Justice from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo. Download Worksheet
Surrender the Old
Just like a classic car, authentic restoration occurs in three steps. First, we surrender the old. Second, we surrender the pieces. Finally, we surrender the new. Let’s talk about the first step, surrendering the old. When a car collector determines that his vehicle needs restoration, he surrenders his old basket case to the restorer, saying, […]
Is There Anything in Your Life that Needs Restoration
Have your self-restoration attempts left you feeling dissatisfied and unrestored? Have you tried a hair transplant, a facelift, or Botox, binging, purging, restricting, over-exercising, or cutting? Have you attempted to fulfill your desire for restoration through a smoke, a toke, a drink, a line, or a pop of a pill? Have you purchased a new […]