I was often stonehearted until I surrendered my heart to God. That led to the restoration of my talent to be used to advance His heart in others. One example of the Restorer renewing my talent occurred at our Labor Day Weekend kickoff press conference luncheon held at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum. Each year […]

Two New Hearts
Episode 127: Father to the Fatherless with Lee Bracey and Bob Hickle
Episode 127: Father to the Fatherless with Lee Bracey and Bob Hickle from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Go Through the Narrow Gate
Listen to Mitch’s latest radio show on WBCL. Click to download worksheet.
Episode 126 Spirit-Led with Luther Whitfield
Episode 126 Spirit-Led with Luther Whitfield from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Restoring Our Talent
In order to be restored to authenticity, we need to surrender our talent. Talent is our unique identity. From that identity flows our passions. We must discover and develop our unique expression of Christ in us to advance His message of restoration in the lives of each person we encounter. CPA’s need to discover how […]
Episode 125: From Perfection to Excellence with Alyssa Toupin
Episode 125: From Perfection to Excellence with Alyssa Toupin from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Every Encounter is a Divine Appointment
Do you often feel interrupted by emails, calls, or people stopping in to see you? The most sacred commodity to each one of us is our time, and we never seem to have enough of it. However, a wise man once said, “Time is the only true democracy.” Each of us has the same amount […]
Life in the Red Zone with NFL Great, Trent Green
Episode 51: Life in the Red Zone with NFL Great, Trent Green from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.