The first sin was followed by the world’s first self-restoration program. I call it “sin’s trifecta”: (1) Adam and Eve were ashamed because they had been swayed (Genesis 3:7), (2) they hid because they were afraid (Genesis 3:12-13), and (3) they blamed because they disobeyed (Genesis 3:12-13). Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden tree […]

Sin’s Trifecta
Episode 21: Restoring New Life with Stuart Kruse
Restoring New Life with Stuart Kruse from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
When a vertical line intersects with a horizontal line, four quadrants result. These represent the four chambers of the spiritual heart. We can remember them with the acronym, WISE. The first chamber is the will, the chamber of our choices. The second is the intellect, or the mind, the chamber of our thoughts. The third […]
Episode 20: Living Water
Episode 20: Living Water from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
Outside In Versus Inside Out Living
On Restoration Road, we are reminded that Christ the Restorer came to earth to inaugurate the kingdom of heaven, the biggest restoration project in the universe. He came to restore the unique expression of the Designer in each one of us. Unfortunately, we turn away from that design. Often times, we sign up for self-restoration, […]
Episode 19: The Invitation
Episode 19: The Invitation from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo. To support the children who live in Sitio Veterans purchase a copy of The Invitation DVD/CD. Proceeds go toward educational scholarships.
The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse Begins Airing on TCT TV on November 13
We just received news that TCT Television Network will begin airing “The Restoration Road with Mitch Kruse” to their audience of 100 million people across the country, Saturday, November 13 at 4:30 PM (EST). Please pray that God will use this effort to reach many with Christ’s message of restoration. Click here to see where […]
Worship Team Training Interview
Worship Team Training interview with Mitch about restoration, authenticity and social justice beyond Sunday morning! Click here to listen.
Restoration Road Chapter 10: Restoring the Four Chambers of the Heart
The lock on the spiritual heart is pride. That hard-heartedness leads to foolishness, the antithesis of wisdom. Pride leads to choices that separate us from restoring the four chambers of our spiritual hearts. How will you flip the switch of your heart? Download Worksheet
TCT Today in Fort Wayne
TCT interviews Mitch and others at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum. TCT Today in Fort Wayne from mitchkrusetv on Vimeo.
CLAY is an acronym that helps us remember how to live with a humble heart. First, we confess to God our proud sinful hearts of sand or stone. Second, we learn His design for our lives from the Bible. Third, we apply what we learn from the Scriptures to our daily tasks and relationships. Fourth, […]